Joshua Cook

Chief Operating Officer Role at Valve+Meter

The focus of my role is to ensure our clients and the individuals on our team are experiencing transformational growth. This includes strategy, testing ideas, budgeting, resource allocation and the professional development of our team.

Joshua Cook
Background and Experience

From branding to business strategy, I have led projects from initial planning to campaign execution. I bring experience in art direction, storytelling, marketing strategy, advertising, brand identity, website design and project management. I’ve served a range of industries, including home services, civic, tourism, non-profit, higher education, retail, e-commerce and professional services. I’m an alum of Anderson University and president emeritus of American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Indianapolis.

What makes you unique to excel in your position?

The first part of my career was spent immersed in branding and creative execution. The later part was strictly developing strategic marketing plans. This experience has allowed me to understand the language and motives of creatives and business executives. I understand hard metrics (data) and soft metrics (emotions), and I’m able to navigate the optimal time and place for each.

Interests and hobbies outside of work

When I’m not at the office, I’m in dad mode, raising Thatcher and Bea, sneaking a glass of wine with my wife, Megan, or visiting family in Illinois and Ohio.

If you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing you would spend money on?

A babysitter.


Ready to Grow?

Then it’s time to find out how Valve+Meter can help your business grow and thrive. We partner with organizations who are operationally excellent and have an unlimited appetite for marketing that works. Think that is you?