SEO Audit

Increase Your Website’s Organic Search and UX

What if you had a roadmap to improving your website’s performance?

Valve+Meter uses advanced tools to fully research and plan your custom strategy to earn higher search rankings and convert leads into revenue.

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A Path To Success

An SEO Audit

Search engines including Google continually refine and update their PageRank algorithms.

Meanwhile, your competitors are not standing still. New website launches and publishing fresh content every day captures the attention of search engines and the marketplace.

Don’t settle for stagnant content and empty promises from other digital marketing companies.

An SEO audit helps you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your website. Valve+Meter also pinpoints opportunities for growth and enhancement. Investing in a comprehensive SEO audit ensures  you stay ahead of the curve, making informed decisions to optimize your online presence effectively.

Page 1 – 1%
Less than 1% of users click results on the second page of search results.
CTR 38.6%
The top result in search earns a 38.6% organic click-through rate.

What is an SEO Audit?

Earning the Greatest Value From Your Website

Website SEO audit services evaluate the ability of your site to rank well in organic search engine results pages (SERPs). At Valve+Meter, the strategy and process include a full analysis of rankings factors including on-page and off-page SEO.

During an SEO audit, the primary factors considered include, website structure, content performance, technical issues, user experience, and competitor analysis. Experienced SEO specialists research and report on each phase.

This process helps identify SEO issues to fix and opportunities to improve your website for known ranking factors. The overarching goal of SEO audits is to create a plan-of-action to improve your website’s visibility in search engines and overall user experience.

Full website SEO audit services are presented in a clear presentation for you to review and consider. The key advantage of performing regular SEO audits is gaining insights beyond the limitations of Google Analytics, SEO tools, and conventional digital marketing. Your SEO audit service helps guide your overall SEO strategy based on data and actionable recommendations.

Interested in SEO Audit Services?

Get Better Search Results

Our SEO strategists offer a free evaluation of the current state of your SEO. Our team delivers clear reporting and thorough data most agencies would charge to provide.

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Our SEO Audit Services

Increase Performance With Strategic SEO Services

Professional search engine optimization (SEO) audit services evaluate your website content, structure, and technical elements against best SEO strategies. Your potential growth relies on the visibility of your business in search engines. Many digital marketing services boast of creating dynamic websites and generating volumes of new content.

At Valve+Meter, we practice Math Before Marketingâ„¢ throughout all of our campaigns. Before spending any of your marketing budget, our experts scour data, perform competitive research, and evaluate your marketplace. When empirical data guides your decisions, you earn better results and consistent ROI.

Valve+Meter Performance Marketing SEO audits consider your existing SEO strategy and existing content. Optimizing your existing pages can reinvigorate performance in organic search rankings and accelerate your SEO efforts for a fraction of the cost of all new content.

Our analytical process considers every ranking factor including the following SEO audit elements:

Technical SEO Analysis

Evaluates the technical health of a website, identifying issues like slow loading times or mobile unfriendliness.

Technical SEO Analysis >
On-Page SEO Analysis

Examines elements such as title tags, headers, meta descriptions, and content for optimization opportunities.

On-Page SEO >
Off-Page SEO Analysis

Assesses your website’s backlink profile to identify quality, relevance, and potential toxic links.

Off-Page SEO Analysis >
User Experience

Evaluates user experience factors like site navigation, mobile responsiveness, internal links, and call-to-action placements.

User Experience >
Competitive Analysis

Compares your website’s SEO efforts with your primary rival and competitors in your market to identify areas of opportunity.

Competitive Analysis >
Local SEO Review

Checks the consistency and accuracy of your website content, local listings, reviews, and map integrations.

Local SEO Review >
Social Media Integration

Assesses the effectiveness of social media links, shares, and other integrations as they relate to SEO.

Social Media Integration >
Mobile Speed 87.84%
The average web page requires 87.84% longer to load on mobile than on desktop.
UX 50 ms
Users form an opinion about your site in just 50 milliseconds.

The Importance of Professional SEO Audit Services

Evaluating Your Website Performance

Search engine optimization (SEO) demands deep insights, technical skill, and analytics to best position your business. Your website’s ability to rank well in organic search results is determined by numerous factors.

Studies have shown that on average, the first organic search result on Google receives approximately 28% of clicks, the second result receives about 15%, and the third result receives about 11%. The percentage of clicks decreases further for results beyond the top three, with the tenth result receiving less than 3% of clicks on average.

A full SEO audit analyzes all ranking factors for organic search positions. Valve+Meter eliminates the confusion and provides clear solutions to increase search traffic and earn better-qualified leads.

Keywords 1.76x
Long-tail keywords earn nearly twice as many clicks as broad search terms.
Backlinks 0
Approximately 94% of all blog posts in existence have zero external links.
Top Results 3.8x
The first result in Google averages nearly 4 times as many backlinks as other first-page results.

Our Process

SEO Audit Services with Valve+Meter

Why settle for an off-the-shelf SEO audit?

Our thorough website SEO audit services examine every element of your website and provide clear and actionable reporting. When data guides your SEO plan great leaders gain control over your marketing efforts and reduce wasted expenses.

Our SEO audit service includes four unique processes to ensure your SEO results meet your goals and provide clear and concise metrics to inspire long-term strategic growth.


SEO audits should be performed on a regular basis to keep a healthy website ranking well and engaging your users in the best possible experience.

If your website is underperforming and organic traffic is decreasing, the solution may not require reinventing your existing SEO strategy. Many digital marketing companies’ initial reaction to changes in performance and search visibility is adding more content. This can actually have further negative impact on organic search performance.

You cannot grow if you don’t know your strengths and weaknesses. Valve+Meter designed our ThinkFirst™ process to build a custom solution for you and your unique goals.

During your ThinkFirstâ„¢ discovery workshop, our strategists gain insights into your business including your motivations and goals for an SEO audit.

When our experts understand your challenges, like drops in rankings, poor user experience, or even a lack of written SEO strategy, we can research, plan, and execute a complete SEO audit.

Research and Planning

After a situational analysis, our strategists, subject matter experts, and data analysts delve deep into your website. Google and other search engines consider hundreds of ranking factors. SEO is extremely complex and demands a nuanced approach.

Research into your current technical SEO, as well as on-page and off-page elements, must be considered. Through an exhaustive audit, you gain a clear and detailed plan that identifies major issues and proposes the best path to optimize your website and monitor against future issues.


Campaign Launch

Your SEO strategy can be promptly implemented to rectify minor issues, guided by a well-defined SEO plan that aims to enhance your website.

Equipped with the SEO plan, our proficient experts initiate a complete execution of major changes and additions. Drawing on our expertise, specialists enact strategic modifications and simultaneously monitor performance.

From optimizing on-page elements to fine-tuning technical intricacies, our team ensures the plan’s meticulous implementation, aligning seamlessly with industry best practices and search engine protocols.

Analysis and Optimization

Every SEO audit adds momentum to your website’s performance.

At Valve+Meter, we envision your business as a flywheel. SEO audits release stored potential within your business. The angular momentum within your flywheel accelerates through analysis and optimization.

Through diligent tracking and reporting, we review transparent insights with you. Identifying areas of success and pinpointing those that need refinement guides your ongoing SEO strategy.

Our commitment is to ensure your journey towards enhanced online visibility and success is both effective and ongoing.

Impact 88%
After an SEO plan, 88% of businesses invest more budget into ongoing strategies.
Value 72%
Organic web listings account for 73% of all search engine clicks.

Our SEO Audit Services

What Does a Professional SEO Audit Include?

SEO expertise from Valve+Meter can help you with a wide range of auditing services.

For both on-page and off-page SEO audits, you will gain a clear understanding of the overall health of your website. Correcting issues and adapting strategy to best practices quickly helps your performance.

Generally, a website SEO audit can be split into four phases: technical, on-page, off-page, and competitive analysis. Valve+Meter delivers more comprehensive services.

Technical SEO Analysis

Technical SEO serves as the foundation of your website’s visibility.

Experts typically find the most opportunities for improvement within the technical audit phase. Great content prioritizes user experience, but the technical SEO auditing process focuses on search engine spiders.

Also known as search engine crawlers, spiders are internet bots that systematically browse your site and the entirety of the web. Crawlers discover and index new web pages. Optimizing content helps make your website more accessible for crawlers and more searchable for users.

During a technical SEO audit, many of the technical SEO issues, such as website structure, URLs, keywords, directory errors, backlinks and internal link profiles, are identified. Many website designers, content creators, and digital marketing companies place little priority on off-page SEO. This inhibits your website’s ability to reach your full SEO goals and results in long-lasting SEO issues as your site grows.

The goal of the technical SEO analysis is to identify opportunities to improve how your web pages are indexed by crawlers and searched by potential consumers.

Key areas we examine include:

  • Site Structure Analysis: A structured site benefits both the user and search engine crawlers. We rigorously evaluate your website’s hierarchy, URL patterns, and the intricacies of internal linking. An orderly site layout promotes superior user navigation and facilitates efficient crawling and indexing by search engines.
  • Crawl Error Review: Crawl hindrances can stymie search engines from indexing your content efficiently. We detect and address any impediments that might obstruct search engine crawlers, ensuring seamless indexing and optimal online visibility.
  • Security Assessment: Safeguarding your website is not just about protecting your enterprise and its users; it also has a direct bearing on SEO. We probe into your site’s security measures, scrutinize SSL certifications, and identify any potential vulnerabilities to guarantee a secure browsing environment for your users.

On-Page SEO Analysis

The visible content on your web pages including words, images, and graphics are the focus of on-page SEO. Keyword rankings are the primary focus of many SEO strategies but there is far more to our on-page SEO audit.

At Valve+Meter our SEO specialists take into account keywords, title tags, headers with pertinent keywords, link quality, and the elimination of duplicate content.

We place a strong emphasis on crafting people-focused content. Content should always focus on your potential users.

Recommendations of SEO audits may advise minor optimizations to content like tweaking header tags, refining images, enhancing meta descriptions, and improving the relevance of content that is outdated and stale.

Key sections of a on-page SEO audit include:

  • Content Evaluation: Content is the essence of SEO, and we prioritize creating content that resonates. We assess the relevance, quality, and optimization of your content, suggesting updates for outdated pieces and potential topics to keep your content fresh and engaging.
  • Keyword Analysis: Keywords aren’t just about rankings but aligning with business goals. We delve into your site’s keyword profile, uncovering current rankings, untapped opportunities, and ensuring alignment with your audience’s intent and needs.
  • Duplicate Content Check: Protecting your site’s SEO integrity, we actively seek out and advise on duplicate content, ensuring your site maintains originality and steers clear of potential search engine penalties.

While on-page SEO focuses on your website’s content, off-page SEO emphasizes how external entities view your site. 

This includes backlinks, social signals, and other external indicators. At Valve+Meter, we’ve noted that many entities undervalue off-page SEO, which can hinder your SEO objectives in the long run. 

Off-page analysis gives insights into your social media footprint, backlinks quality and diversity, and your online reputation. By strengthening your off-page SEO, you bolster your site’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines.

Key aspects of off-page SEO analysis include:

  • Backlink Analysis: Evaluates the number, quality, and relevance of websites linking to your domain. This includes examining anchor texts, domain authority of referring websites, and potential toxic or spammy links that might harm your SEO.
  • Domain Authority & Page Authority Review: Assesses the strength and reputation of your website in the eyes of search engines. Higher authority indicates a better chance of ranking higher.
  • Trust Flow and Citation Flow: Measures the quality and trustworthiness of your backlinks. A healthy balance between these metrics indicates a strong backlink profile.
  • Referral Traffic: Evaluates the quality and quantity of traffic coming to your website from external sources, which can provide insights into potential partnerships or areas for promotion.
  • Anchor Text Distribution: Analyzes the text used to link to your website, ensuring there’s a diverse and natural distribution to avoid over-optimization penalties.
  • Content Promotion & Outreach: Reviews the effectiveness of content promotion strategies, like guest posting or influencer collaborations, in driving quality backlinks and brand mentions.

User Experience

User experience is paramount when it comes to retaining visitors and converting them into loyal customers.

Some aspects of the user experience overlap with technical SEO including website performance, speed, mobile-friendliness, and security. Proper title tags and a clear meta description on every page improve how users see your content in search results.

User experience also includes on-page factors like well-written content, easy navigation, and clear contact links. The user experience is often reflected in Google Analytics and Google Search Console including the number of page sessions and average time on page.

SEO success can be measured not just in impressions and clicks but in how users engage with your website.

A few key aspects of user experience includes:

  • Mobile SEO Check: In this mobile-dominated era, ensuring your site’s optimization for mobile devices is paramount. Our audit delves into mobile responsiveness, gauges load times, and assesses user experience across a spectrum of devices to assure peak performance.
  • Speed and Performance Test: The swiftness of your website profoundly affects both the user experience and SEO rankings. Our audit evaluates your website’s load dynamics, pinpoints any potential lags, and furnishes actionable recommendations to boost both speed and holistic site performance.
  • Visual Design & Layout Review: A site’s aesthetics play a pivotal role in user satisfaction; our audit assesses the visual coherence, layout consistency, and overall design elements to ensure a balance between appeal and functionality.

Competitive Analysis

Understanding where you stand compared to your competitors helps you measure your ongoing SEO efforts.

Our comprehensive competitive analysis examines your website in relation to your industry peers. We assess their strengths, pinpoint their weaknesses, and identify potential opportunities to elevate your online presence above theirs.

Key aspects of our competitive analysis include:

  • Keyword Benchmarking: Comparing your keyword portfolio against competitors to identify potential gaps or areas of strength.
  • Backlink Profile Comparison: Analyzing the quality and quantity of links pointing to your competitors’ websites and comparing it to yours.
  • Content Quality Assessment: Reviewing the depth, relevance, and engagement of competitors’ content, providing insights into potential areas for improvement.
  • Technical SEO Overview: Evaluating competitors’ site speed, mobile optimization, and other technical factors to determine potential advantages or vulnerabilities.

Local SEO Review

For businesses and organizations that provide services to a specific geographic area, local SEO aims to optimize your business’s visibility for nearby customers.

We meticulously examine your local listings, ensure NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency, and evaluate customer feedback to help you capitalize on local search prospects.

Key aspects of our local SEO audit include:

  • NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) Consistency: It’s vital for local businesses to maintain uniform contact details across multiple online directories and platforms for optimal local SEO performance.
  • Customer Review Analysis: We assess the quality and quantity of your online reviews, ensuring they positively reflect your business and address any areas of concern.
  • Local Citation Evaluation: We’ll identify where your business is mentioned across the web, ensuring these citations are accurate and beneficial for your local SEO ranking.

Social Media Integration

While search engines don’t directly use social signals as a ranking factor, the interplay between social media and SEO is undeniable.

Effective integration of social media can enhance a brand’s online visibility, drive traffic, and augment user engagement – all of which indirectly influence SEO performance.

The primary audit check that your presence is consistent across all major social media platforms. Our experts also verify that linking structure facilitates a seamless user journey between your website and platforms.

A number of key elements during an SEO audit include:

  • Profile Optimization: An examination of whether social media profiles are fully optimized with complete information, appropriate profile and cover photos, and relevant keywords.
  • Content Sharing Buttons: Checking if the website has social sharing buttons on key content pages, making it easy for visitors to share content on their social networks.
  • Social-Driven Traffic: Analysis of website traffic from social media platforms to gauge the effectiveness of social campaigns and the engagement level of the audience.
  • Use of Rich Media: Checking if the brand is using images, videos, infographics, etc., effectively to increase engagement on social platforms.
  • Integration of Social Reviews: For businesses with review components (like restaurants or e-commerce sites), the audit might look into integration and the display of social reviews or testimonials.
Ready For Your SEO Audit?

Request A Consultation With Our SEO Strategists

Valve+Meter provides a free SEO assessment of your website including competitive benchmarking.

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Facts About Our Data-Driven SEO

Don’t waste your hard work designing and developing a website. Know what factors search engines use to display your products or services to prospective customers.

Performing an annual SEO audit can help identify technical issues, content gaps, missed opportunities, and account for impacts of algorithm updates on your website. There are other situations where an SEO audit services are recommended:

  • If you have ongoing SEO services with an SEO agency it’s important to continuously monitor Google Analytics for bounce rates, conversion rates, and other issues.
  • For larger websites, industries with high levels of competition, and sites that publish content frequently, SEO audits may need to be more frequent.
  • Perform an SEO audit after significant changes to a website, such as a redesign, migration to a new domain, or changes of marketing personnel or marketing agency.

By staying up-to-date and regularly monitoring your SEO, your decision-makers can take proactive steps to improve your website’s visibility and ranking in search engines.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a long-term strategy that involves optimizing a website or web page to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This process includes improving website content, meta tags, header tags, images, backlinks, and other factors that search engines use to determine the relevance and authority of a website.

SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous updates and improvements to maintain or improve search rankings. SEO is not a one-time event, but a continuous effort to keep a website optimized for search engines.

An SEO audit is a singular act where a website is analyzed to identify potential issues that could be preventing it from ranking as high as it could in SERPs. An SEO audit is an essential part of any SEO strategy because it helps to identify and fix issues that may be affecting a website’s search engine visibility.

SEO may be performed by writers, web developers, and marketing specialists. SEO audits are conducted by experienced SEO consultants. During the audit, the professional will analyze the website and report the findings in detail. The report will include recommendations for improving the website’s SEO including:

  • Technical issues
  • On-page optimization
  • Off-page optimization

A complete SEO auditing service should also include a competitive analysis. The report should help to prioritize SEO efforts by identifying the most critical issues that need to be addressed first. An SEO audit can help website owners improve issues they may not have known existed without the audit. 

In summary, both SEO services and audits are essential parts of any SEO strategy. The ongoing process of optimizing your website improves search engine visibility and regular audits of your website can identify areas that can potentially be improved. 

Some SEO audit services use a tool to generate a report on the health of a webpage or a collection of pages. These types of tools are helpful to improve pages if your internal marketing team notices changes in SERP performance.

SEO site audit services with Valve+Meter analyze the entirety of your website. This can be especially important for websites designed, optimized, or updated by multiple people. For many businesses, our approach to the SEO auditing process identifies opportunities to repair prior website design, content errors, improper technical structure, and other factors inhibiting overall performance.

In essence, SEO audit tools are reactive whereas SEO audit services for your entire website are proactive.

The SEO audit process can be time-consuming and arduous. It is important to understand the value of search engine optimization and evaluating the health of your site. There are 4 key benefits:

  1. Identify Technical Issues: The only way to fix an error is to identify the problem. Technical issues on your website will hinder performance in Google and other search engines. These issues can include broken links, slow page speed, improper use of header tags, and more. Many of these issues are easily remedied and quickly improve your ranking factors with crawlers.
  2. Improve User Experience: Nearly all business leaders understand the power of a quality website. Helping to remedy issues that may be affecting user experience on your website, such as poor navigation or confusing content structure, is paramount to continued success. By addressing these issues, a website can become more user friendly and engaging, which can lead to increased engagement and conversions.
  3. Increasing Organic Traffic: By identifying areas for improvement in technical, user experience, and auditing on-page factors, audits can help increase organic traffic to your website.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Algorithm updates can reshape search rankings. In order to stay ahead of the competition, auditing services pinpoint areas where your website is falling behind. Identifying blind spots and providing insights on how to improve gives you an edge over competitors in search engine rankings.

Overall, an SEO audit is an essential tool for improving a website’s performance in search engines and providing a better user experience for its visitors.

Digital marketing services may offer several types of SEO audits. At Valve+Meter the most effective SEO auditing is a full analysis but you may have areas of specific concern. We offer local SEO audits, as well as national and ecommerce SEO auditing packages. Our free marketing analysis considers your business and situation.

Specialized SEO auditing services include:

  • Technical SEO Audit: This type of audit focuses only on technical issues on your website that could be inhibiting search engine performance. Broken links, crawl errors, duplicate content, site speed, security, mobile optimization, and other elements are included in a technical SEO audit.
  • On-Page SEO Audit: This audit is limited to optimizing web pages to improve ranking with your target audience. Keyword research is often recommended alongside other on-page factors like content quality, meta tags, header tags, and internal linking.
  • Off-Page SEO Audit: If your primary concern is external factors, like online reputation, citations, and your backlink profile, a basic off-page SEO audit can quickly identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to increase visibility and authority.
  • Local SEO Audit: For any business that operates in a specific geographical area, local SEO is key to success. Keyword research, competitive analysis, and improving your SEO performance within your local market is the goal of a local SEO audit. It is also imperative to perform a local citation audit and Google Business Profile/Google My Business audit.
  • Link Audit: One of the most basic SEO audits is a link audit. This process quickly analyzes opportunities to fix internal links and examines the quality of inbound links. Backlinks from high-authority websites are valued in SEO but poor-quality backlinks can harm your reputation and performance.
  • Content Audit: For older websites and sites that have been managed by multiple marketing teams and content writers, a content audit can be beneficial. Content SEO focuses on assessing the quality and relevance of a website’s content. It evaluates factors such as content length, keyword usage, user engagement, and overall content strategy. Within content audit services, identifying keyword cannibalization and duplicate content can also help improve search results.

Valve+Meter provides a free marketing analysis including a free SEO audit tool. This information provides you with a better understanding of how our SEO company and other marketing efforts can benefit your business or organization.

The cost of complete SEO auditing services depends on a number of factors including:

  • Size and Complexity of Your Website: Smaller businesses often have a limited number of web pages. The scope of SEO auditing services will be smaller and more affordable in these situations. A larger, more-complex website will require more time and effort to audit.
  • Scope of Your SEO Audit: The most effective SEO auditing services cover the breadth of your website, including technical SEO, on-page SEO, links, and complete review of users’ experience and competitor analysis. If you only need a content or technical SEO audit, the costs will be lower.
  • Expertise of the Auditor: Valve+Meter assigns our most-experienced and knowledgeable SEO strategists to audit your website. An experienced auditor with a proven track record of success will provide clear and accurate reporting.
  • Curated SEO Auditing: Our in-house SEO auditing services are customized to your specific SEO goals. Because we always work in the long-term best interests of clients, you will have access to a dedicated account manager, all analyses, and reports. You own your SEO audit at the completion of the project.

In general, the cost of an SEO audit can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. In many situations, SEO site audit services recommend ongoing SEO services for continued improvement and better organic search results. The best way to get an accurate estimate of the cost of an SEO audit is to contact the consultants at Valve+Meter Performance Marketing for a free analysis.

